影视A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
影视A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
回复 :Graduate student Alice Gilman is running from an abusive past. She seeks refuge in the infamous Hannah house; a historic home with an ominous past. Determined to prove the possibility of alternate dimensions, she unknowingly unlocks a gateway to unimaginable horror. Facing a series of bizarre and violent events, Alice is plagued by nightmarish dreams of these evil entities. Trapped between the 4th dimension and reality, the diabolical truth is revealed as Alice fights for her sanity and her very soul. Based on the H.P. Lovecraft's short story The Dreams in the Witch House, WITCH HOUSE blurs the boundaries between reality,dreams...and the beyond.
回复 :公关人员斯图(柯林•法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)在外面瞒着妻子有一个秘密情人,为了躲避妻子的电话单检查,这天他又偷偷溜到街上公用电话亭准备打电话约会情人。不料,在他进入电话亭的一刹那,电话铃响了。虽然不知是谁打的电话,出于习惯,斯图拿起了听筒。阴沉单调的男 声随即响起,警告斯图不要挂掉,否则将血溅街头!斯图当然没有理会这恶作剧般的警告,正要走出电话亭。这时,一声枪响,一名路人已经倒在地上。斯图吓得魂飞魄散,动也不敢动。警察闻讯而来,然而他们对斯图的解释怎么也不相信,斯图还成了枪击案的主要嫌疑人。一时间,全城轰动,斯图的妻子和情人都闻讯赶来了……
回复 :农场主罗斯林的玉米地遭受干旱灾害,为了灌溉向银行贷款,但在玉米快要成熟的时候遇到了大批乌鸦偷吃玉米,如果不及时采取措施,很可能无能力偿还银行贷款,眼看还款期限即将到来,银行已经派人前来提醒,罗斯林在无奈的情况下只好使用全家人都认为不吉利的稻草人来赶乌鸦.罗斯林不顾家人 反对,在玉米地里插上了稻草人,从此恶魔开始……