回复 :In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog tells to the members of a club that he has found a message in a bottle with a map from a Harvard's missing professor telling about a treasure of an Inca lost civilization still alive. He decides to go to Peru to seek the gold. However, members of the secret criminal organization "The Spiders" leaded by Lio Sha break in Kay's mansion during the night and steal the map. Kay Hoog travels to Peru, where he retrieves his map and a document about the Diamond Ship from The Spiders. Later he saves the Priestess of the Sun Naela and brings her to San Francisco. However, The Spiders kill Naela and Kay Hoog promises revenge for the death of his love
回复 :理发师陆平(陈坤 饰)凭着自己的好手艺在大上海过着平凡的生活。日军侵占上海之后,一次意外的事故使他不得不远走他乡,自此开始了长达半生的颠沛流离。逃往江南古镇之后,陆平遇到了一位美丽的江南女子宋嘉仪(曾黎 饰),俩人一见钟情,无奈宋嘉仪婚约在先,其父宋丰年也想借女儿在那个特殊的年代里有个依靠,将宋嘉仪嫁给了国民党军官叶江天,嫁为人妇的宋嘉仪从未停止对陆平的爱恋,而陆平在颠沛流离的大半生除了自己的手艺始终没有放下的还有这份感情。一生情缘,半世坎坷,乱世之中这对有情人如歌如泣般演绎着他们的人生与爱恋……本片根据凡一平同名小说改编,是导演陈逸飞生前最后一部作品。
回复 :When a newspaper man falls for a record store sales girl, their whirlwind courtship does not prepare him for a life of laughter, romance and tragedy. He must learn the value of true love, or face failure like he's never known. Academy Award Nominations: Best Actor--Cary Grant.