初识A schoolgirl is raped by three low-lifes, and is then blackmailed by her attackers to keep her quiet. Desperate for revenge, she makes contact with a necromancer, who promptly "takes care" of the boys using her magic powers.
初识A schoolgirl is raped by three low-lifes, and is then blackmailed by her attackers to keep her quiet. Desperate for revenge, she makes contact with a necromancer, who promptly "takes care" of the boys using her magic powers.
回复 :美国空军少校克罗斯(杜夫朗格饰)被徵召去保护总统随身携带的黑色手提箱---美国洲际飞弹卫星遥控电脑。但是没想到在第一天行动,就被一队庸兵劫走,而这群恐怖份子要求美国总统在电视上自裁,否则将把飞弹瞄准华盛顿特区。
回复 :故事的背景设定在俄罗斯,聚焦于一群年轻的退伍军人,他们血气方刚,重情重义。其中有一个人名叫科斯塔亚(小谢尔盖·波德洛夫 Sergei Bodrov Jr. 饰),他的兄弟是美国曲棍球大联盟的球员。由于转会事宜出了问题,科斯塔亚的兄弟被老板欺骗,他们决定为了兄弟的冤情报仇,收回属于他的钱财,并惩罚那位欺骗他们的美国老板。然而,就在他们准备行动之际,科斯塔亚却意外去世了。这突如其来的悲剧给他的朋友们带来了沉重的打击。更为糟糕的是,警方也开始介入调查这个事件。科斯塔亚等人不得不开始逃亡,他们成了警察的通缉对象。他们经历了一系列的惊险事件,并在逃亡过程中冒着生命危险,努力寻求着一线生机。
回复 :Newlyweds move into their dream home where they discover a collection of 100-year-old letters from a young woman who committed suicide after being abandoned by the owner of the home.