该剧改编自七猫免费小说作者无语对白天作品《重回1993》。现代商界新贵宋晓峰(林潇 饰)同商业对手乔斌(吴欣洲 饰)发生争执,除暴意外回到1993年。穿越后的宋晓峰与年轻时的父亲宋健(陈靖康 饰)及兄弟胡国康(罗麦一 饰)一起白手起家,除暴重新创业。最终,他们在那个遍地是机会的黄金时代完成了选择与自我成长,成为运筹帷幄的商场大鳄!
该剧改编自七猫免费小说作者无语对白天作品《重回1993》。现代商界新贵宋晓峰(林潇 饰)同商业对手乔斌(吴欣洲 饰)发生争执,除暴意外回到1993年。穿越后的宋晓峰与年轻时的父亲宋健(陈靖康 饰)及兄弟胡国康(罗麦一 饰)一起白手起家,除暴重新创业。最终,他们在那个遍地是机会的黄金时代完成了选择与自我成长,成为运筹帷幄的商场大鳄!
回复 :一宗涉及兩部的士的車禍,再加上天文怪現象紅月亮,令陳凱琳、蔡思貝、Bob、梁烈唯、何廣沛、余德丞、鄺潔楹、何依婷被帶到異空間。8人之中潛伏了妖魔,要透過一連串意想不到的遊戲及任務中取得提示,並於48小時內揪出妖魔,否則後果令世人難以承受!過程中,《降魔的》主角馬季、石敢當會帶8人來往現實及異空間,協助各位完成任務,劇中其他角色隨時驚喜現身,為大家製造難關!
回复 :Stine and Teit, your average urban middle-class artists and intellectuals, leave Copenhagen for the wilds of neighbouring Sweden’s forest. Soon, they find out that something is strange there – most disturbingly – when their son Nemo suddenly thinks his mother isn’t really his mother anymore. It becomes clear once Stine and Teit discover that they have neighbours who look exactly like them – mirror images made flesh and blood.The subject of reflections and doubles is introduced in the film’s first shot: a view of a lake landscape turned 90° so that the water’s surface runs vertically through the image’s centre. Only once the shot gets tilted is it revealed which side mirrors which. Later, a mother and child are reflected in a glass door.However, this is not your doppelganger thriller of the gothic variety. Note the title: in physics, superposition means (per Merriam-Webster) "the combination of two distinct physical phenomena of the same type (such as spin or wavelength) so that they coexist as part of the same event". This is more a metaphysical meditation towards the realisation that none of us is ever alone, but also never unique.
回复 :某市龙头企业四海集团,暗地里操纵着本市最大的地下制假贩假网络,范围辐射全国。集团董事长柯世雄(张天舒饰)与女市长关系暖味,利用这层关系,大肆开设地下制假工厂,牟取暴利。 港方董事长华成芳(付羽佳饰),控制着四海集团所有假货销售网络,质量技术监督局长郭天奇(佟瑞欣饰)却与华成芳有一段刻骨铭心的初恋故事。 柯世雄副手赵健为人阴险,中间人物小武更以手段毒辣著称于世。干事吴平卧底制假集团被柯世雄残忍杀害......