  时间:2025-03-13 08:20:07

故事发生在2008年的伦敦,无码全球变暖导致海平面上升,无码部分陆地时不时遭到洪水的淹没,处处一片破败萧瑟的景象。警探斯通(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer 饰)因为办案方式太过激导致他遭到了警局的解雇,但即便脱下了配枪和警服,斯通依然锲而不舍的独子追查着他在职期间未能够破获的连环凶杀案件。某日,城市里又新起了一宗凶杀案,被害人遭到了凶手的开膛破肚,死状非常的恐怖。凶手行凶的手段立刻就让斯通联想到了曾经发生过的那些案件,他坚信这几起案件为同一人所为。没过多久,警方收到了一个可怕的包裹,包裹里是死者遭到了啃噬的心脏,通过齿痕判断,作案者并非人类。




回复 :The story appears simple on the surface, but is revealed, especially after multiple viewings, as more multi-layered and textured than Cassavetes at his best. Ostensibly it concerns a 14-year old Catholic girl, Wynne (Agutter) growing up in this post-modern wasteland, who develops a crush on her much older adoptive brother (Marshall)- a crush which perversely deepens and grows into infatuation once she starts to believe he is the local sex killer. This is in itself an idea that makes you sit up and jolt, but as the narrative develops, it continues not necessarily along a linear path but in several confusing and fascinating directions: the family's history, (detailed effectively in chilling flashback during an improvised seance) is a chequered one, and has suffered at least one major relocation and upheaval in the last ten years.At the crux, however, it's the depiction of socialal changes that make I Start Counting so fascinating and elevate its language far beyond the confines of the standard horror film. The major subtext- that teenage girls were maturing more quickly than before, and developing full sexual and romantic appetites (even if in thought rather than deed) but were not possessed of enough discretion to make the right choices- was a step forward for a genre in which its young females had previously been portrayed as bimbo victims (Cover Girl Killer and The Night Caller spring to mind), but not one that all viewers would necessarily agree with.But most striking of all, and possibly the most enduring image which the viewer will take away with them, is of the masterful symbolism with which director Greene invests every shot. Every inch of the Kinch family's world- their house, their walls, their TV, Agutters underwear, bedroom furniture and toys, Sutcliffe's clothes, Marshalls van, the local Catholic church, their town centre, their record shop) - is painted a bright, scintillating white- a white which, by inference, is slowly becoming smudged and corrupted with the dirt of the outside world. White also symbolises, of course, purity and innocence (two qualities Catholic schoolgirls are supposed to hold dear), and it is into this world of innocence that the ever-present red bus (a symbol of violation and penetration), conducted by the lecherous yet similarly juvenile Simon Ward, makes regular journeys. The allegory is further expanded in one scene where Agutter believes she sees the Christ figure in church weeping blood: by the time we acknowledge it, its gone, but the seed has already been planted. Rarely in a genre production has the use of colour and background been so important or effective in creating a uniformity of mood.I Start Counting is as near-perfect an end to a decade as one could hope for, and exactly the kind of film people should be making now- which is, of course, exactly why they never will. A genre essential.by D.R. SHIMON@lounge.moviecodec.com



回复 :本片根据乔·希尔同名短篇小说改编:1978年间美国科罗拉多州一处郊外小镇里,一位名为芬尼·萧的少年被绰号为“掳童犯”的杀手绑架,而此前已有五位孩童被后者绑架杀害。芬尼之后在囚禁他的地下室中发现一部古董电话,尽管电话线已经断了,但一到晚上,他总能接到来自过去受害者试图帮助他的来电;芬尼的妹妹格温也在此时梦到与之相关的异象,指引她寻找芬尼。发生在兄妹俩身上的灵异事件开始成为了拯救芬尼的关键。



回复 :上世纪四十年代,加州理工学院终身教授钱学森(陈坤 饰)因为美国兴起的反共言论而备受打击。他的尖端技术研究被迫中止,并被责令出境。钱学森心系祖国,归心似箭,而意识到钱学森的巨大价值的美方又对其归国设置了重重障碍,甚至以间谍罪逮捕钱学森。最终,宣告无罪的钱学森被长期软禁在家 中。钱学森写信辗转与祖国取得联系,周恩来授命用11名美国战犯飞行员换回了钱学森。面对新中国技术、人才、工业等各方面的空白,钱学森带领科研人员从仿制入手,根据现有技术和条件逐步研究、完善,奠定了中国导弹的基础。1960年11月,第一枚导弹试射成功。1964年10月,第一枚原子弹试验成功,钱学森又承担起了研制火箭运载原子弹进行远程攻击的任务,他带领科研人员克服了天气地理等困难,完成两弹对接,1966年10月在罗布泊靶场成功试射新中国第一枚核导弹!晚年的钱学森对妻子(张雨绮 饰)充满愧疚,但妻子的理解让他倍感安慰。

