《乐队的海边 PD vlog》是《乐队的海边》的官方衍生节目,别挂内容将从PD视角介绍姐姐们通过创业经营一家音乐餐厅中,别挂承包餐厅一切工作、并在用音乐治愈来往的客人的精彩内容。
《乐队的海边 PD vlog》是《乐队的海边》的官方衍生节目,别挂内容将从PD视角介绍姐姐们通过创业经营一家音乐餐厅中,别挂承包餐厅一切工作、并在用音乐治愈来往的客人的精彩内容。
回复 : 《奔跑吧》特别季来了!原班人马回归。
回复 : 本节目是张昕宇和梁红这对“侣行夫妻”进行环球探险旅行的纪录片式综艺,作为一种文化交流,节目在带给观众全球极地探索体验、开拓国际视野的同时,也将中国人的生存哲学和价值理念放在全世界范围内去碰撞、交融。本季节目他们会去到南美洲,对当地的风土人情、奇闻怪事进行探索
回复 :Adventurer Ben Fogle gets a taste of extreme escapism in this brand new series meeting those who have turned their backs on the daily grind. Each week, Ben spends time in one of the world’s most remote locations, meeting the people who now inhabit these inhospitable corners of the planet after leaving their ordinary lives behind.Our intrepid guide also wonders whether these extraordinary individuals and their incredible experiences might tempt him to move his own family out of London and away from the comforts of the city. Is it daring or downright crazy? Ben wants to discover the truth about life in tough, harsh conditions, where doing battle with Mother Nature is a daily reality.