回复 :从事物流业的阿Man,所赚的钱不多,他既要支付日常的开支,又要照顾失业的女友阿娇,实在感到无法负荷. 凭着阿Man与阿娇二人灵活的头脑,终于让他们创立一门生意: 「货车鸡」,每天,阿Man驾驶着他的货车,在闹市中找客人,而阿娇也不停打电话call,一有生意,阿Man就驾驶着他的货车,载阿娇去开工,而他们的工作地方,就是在货车的后座,货车全程在街上行驶,不断穿梭于繁忙的街道,在闹市之中绕行.能偷得浮生半日闲.
回复 :日本战国时代,一小山村面临着山贼的威胁,为了保护秋天的收成,村中长老决定让去请武士来保护村子安全,但只能拿出的报酬是一天三顿的白米饭。在城里,他们遭到了武士白眼甚至被打。直到勘兵卫(志村乔饰)的出现,他现今已沦为浪人,几经考虑最后答应了。他对农民说至少需要七名武士,于是久藏(宫口精二饰)、胜四郎(木村功饰)、五郎(稻叶义男饰)、七郎(加东大介饰)、平八(千秋实饰)和菊千代(三船敏郎饰)等六人也加入了队伍,七个人肩负保卫村子的任务。整个防御准备的过程中,武士与农民间发生许多摩擦也闹出不少笑话。而在一次偷袭行动中,有武士为救农民被火枪打死,很快山贼的反扑随之而来,一场恶战即将开始。
回复 :After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they leave the business and try and live the "normal" lives that millions of other Americans enjoy. They hailed from the rural South, steel towns, and the San Fernando Valley. As teenagers, and young adults, none of them thought that porn was in their future. They were artists, baseball players, child prodigies, and even Ivy Leaguers. Now, after their lives in porn; they're TV stars, bounty hunters, writers, and social activists. What happened in between? And now that they've moved on, can they really live a normal life after porn? Written by Bryce Wagoner