回复 :
回复 :故事围绕大学生久住春彦(猪塚健太饰)和官能小说家木岛理生(竹财辉之助饰)展开。因为一场意外,久住春彦骑车不小心导致了木岛理生骨折,而暂无他法的久住春彦只能提议让木岛理生口述写小说。两人之间你侬我侬的纠缠情感就此上演。
回复 :The series follows a group of six students about to embark on the most exciting period of their lives thus far University! Away from home for the first time, on the brink of adult life, they are about to discover who they really are. From the moment they ship up as freshers at their shared house, their lives are destined to collide, overlap and run the whole gamut of appalling behaviour and terrible errors of judgement.