《打过长江去》以渡江战役为背景,国产再现了新中国成立前的关键时刻,国产人民解放军一支先遣分队潜入江南,打进虎穴斗智斗勇,命悬一线却与各种敌人殊死斗争,为祖国统一而舍生取义、无私拼搏, 最终配合百万大军过长江,将红旗插遍中国。
《打过长江去》以渡江战役为背景,国产再现了新中国成立前的关键时刻,国产人民解放军一支先遣分队潜入江南,打进虎穴斗智斗勇,命悬一线却与各种敌人殊死斗争,为祖国统一而舍生取义、无私拼搏, 最终配合百万大军过长江,将红旗插遍中国。
回复 :Healing romance between a man whose life is tiring because of things he says without meaning them and a woman who's afraid of life because of her closed heart.Dong-soo who has tic orders that make him swear without knowing it, visits Ye-ri's rooftop house twice a week to deliver daily necessities that's his job. Ye-ri is always shut in her room after the death of her younger sibling. While communicating with the world only by publishing Internet novels, she is comforted by Dong-soo. Twice in a week. Dong-soo and Ye-ri start talking about the things they have never told anyone before. She talks about her younger sibling who wanted to see an ocean without water and Dong-soo decides to her grant her that wish...will they make it
回复 :山姆是一个14岁的小女孩,随着进入青春期,她的朋友们要不把注意力放在男孩子身上,要不发展了新爱好,显得山姆越来越孤独。她游泳的时候甚至都不愿意在别的女孩面前换上泳衣。为了避免这些麻烦,她开始在一个养老院帮忙,并跟那里的两个人成为朋友,帮助她度过这段青春期。
回复 :干探Donald应好友麦坚邀请到槟城的别墅。Donald和麦坚聚旧之余,被麦坚的女友Eva深深吸引着。其后Eva更主动引诱Donald,Eva藉此迫Donald带她走,最后被麦坚识破,把Donald打至半死,而Eva被卖到泰国掌军妓。Donald四出查访才把Eva救出,但身染毒瘾及恶疾的她亦不久于世。Donald不齿麦坚所为决定找麦坚算账。