回复 :刘思雨强忍巨痛产女后,发誓不再要孩子,要丈夫关云龙结扎,丈夫本能抗拒。刘思雨经营着思雨性福门诊,在手下得力助手菲菲和于小丽的帮助下,局面渐渐打开。而关云龙做小精灵香屁丸业务却一筹莫展,只有为追求于小丽而留下的业务员何小建跟随他。李导生性风流,和多名女子有染,其妻姜梅了如指掌,李导应邀给刘思雨举办的沙龙上课时,西裤被其妻剪成开裆裤,当众出丑。姜梅认为丈夫李导是性瘾患者,强迫丈夫到思雨性福门诊治疗。郑爽爽的女朋友小红患有严重的性恐惧症,他到思雨性福门诊求助,经过一番治疗,菲菲成功...
回复 :Last days of 1941 summer, the era of Obligation, during the famine atmosphere of the Second World War. In the middle of all this poverty and turmoil, there are two poets in their early twenties: Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu and Rustu Onur. They have been carrying tuberculosis germs in their lungs and love of poetry in their hearts for years. Two poets who have the constant habit of making bets on things that they do not own, make a bet on a beautiful girl. They will both write a poem for her and whichever Suzan likes, the other will fade from the scene..
回复 :喜剧明星凯文哈特将在5万人面前表演单口喜剧,于纽约费城林肯金融体育场演出。