像今天A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
像今天A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
回复 :A man falls for his daughter's classmate and they get entangled in a steamy affair. When their sexual desire becomes obsession, things turn crazy.
回复 :1940年代的上海,自小受尽欺辱的街头混混阿星(周星驰)为了能出人头地,可谓窥见机会的缝隙就往里钻,今次他盯上行动日益猖獗的黑道势力“斧头帮”,想借之大名成就大业。阿星假冒“斧头帮”成员试图在一个叫“猪笼城寨”的地方对居民敲诈,不想引来真的“斧头帮”与“猪笼城寨”居民的恩怨。“猪笼城寨”原是藏龙卧虎之处,居民中有许多身怀绝技者(元华、梁小龙等),他们隐藏于此本是为远离江湖恩怨,不想麻烦自动上身,躲都躲不及。而在观战正邪两派的斗争中,阿星逐渐领悟功夫的真谛。
回复 :剧情简介:Jenke, 被报告已经谋杀超过 100个人,他犯罪行将他被送到电椅。但是在实行之后,侦探 Maccarthy被持续幻觉和梦魇困扰,而且发现他自己在凶犯在自己的墓穴之前,他起先他毫不想到它, 相信它是职位外伤药压迫力。但是当视觉继续更更坏地拿,而且在他的女儿男朋友的身体在他的房子地下室被发现的事实之后,它很快变成old Meat Clever Max不知何故在附近是的确仍然, 而且报仇笼罩着 Maccarthy 和他的家庭。