亚洲ason is on an adventure to win the hearts of Noelle's kids before they marry.
亚洲ason is on an adventure to win the hearts of Noelle's kids before they marry.
回复 :An aging gambler on a losing streak attempts to rob a casino in Monte Carlo. But someone's already tipped off the cops before he even makes a move.
回复 :本片改编自已故小说家高山真的同名自传小说,主人公浩辅(铃木亮平 饰)14岁母亲去世,来到东京成为时尚杂志编辑的他一直用华丽的衣装作为保护自己的铠甲。这时他遇到了对自己的美不自知的龙太(宫泽冰鱼 饰),从此卸下伪装,领会了爱着别人的喜悦,而他同时也扪心自问,这到底是不是一种自我满足。
回复 :A romance sparks between a young actor and a Hollywood leading lady.本片根据Peter Turner所写的同名传记改编,讲述了奥斯卡奖得主、40/50年代“黑色电影”女神之一Gloria Grahame(Annette Bening饰)的晚年生活。当57岁的Gloria Grahame患上癌症时,一位年轻的演员Peter Turner(Jamie Bell饰)进入她的生活,照顾这位行将离开人世的女演员,两人也渐生情愫。