回复 :Sam, receives a call from Emily a nearly blind woman who is running from her murderous ex in the woods. She must survive the ordeal with Sam being her eyes using video call.
回复 :A rebellious teen placed in foster care suspects her father is not dead but has been abducted. She is determined to find out the truth with help from a UFO association.
回复 :「寒血无情」是私家侦探最须俱备的特质,戴瑞(比尔普曼饰)就因此成为世上少有的优秀侦探。他没有私人的牵扯,不会产生愚蠢的激情,只有工作。戴瑞的助理史提夫(班史提勒饰)则能言善道,让客户无法了解戴瑞神秘的生活方式。两人联手侦破了许多最棘手的案件,但这次却遭逢前所未有的挑战。木材业钜子史塔克(雷恩欧尼尔饰)遗失了保险箱钥匙,虽然要求戴瑞帮他寻找,却不提供任何线索、不透露一点讯息,也隐瞒他被勒索的内幕。此时,戴瑞又碰上从来没遇过的困扰一跟一名优美女子发生情感纠葛。他要如何在心思受绊的情形下侦查案件?那串遗失的钥匙又在何方