轻熟A young pregnant woman named Nada escapes from a country at war by hiding in a maritime container aboard a cargo ship. After a violent storm, Nada then gives birth to the child while lost at sea, where she must fight to survive.
轻熟A young pregnant woman named Nada escapes from a country at war by hiding in a maritime container aboard a cargo ship. After a violent storm, Nada then gives birth to the child while lost at sea, where she must fight to survive.
回复 :旅行团意外流落荒岛,领队在一废村里发现巨大钻石,一时贪心将其取走,却误将鬼王释放。鬼王法力未恢复,岛上众人尚能幸存,还互相发生争执,可鬼王法力渐渐恢复,众人陷入危机之中,才意识到要消灭鬼王只有同心协力……
回复 :
回复 :大導演張徹拍攝的少林電影,在七十年代把功夫片推上新的高潮。本片主要交代少林三大俗家弟子洪熙官(陳觀泰)、方世玉(傅聲)、胡惠乾(戚冠軍)的事蹟。故事描述,明末,明將吳三桂賣國降清,清官招降納叛,廣收武當、峨嵋派的江湖敗類,勾結地方惡霸,向少林子弟趕盡殺絕,洪、方、胡等處在重重危機險惡之中……