回复 :由于童年的悲惨遭遇,直枝理树(堀江由衣 配音)的个性变得十分孤僻。长着一张娃娃脸,沉默寡言,没有朋友,这样的理树成为了大家眼里的怪胎。某一日,性格傲娇爱猫如命的枣铃(民安智惠 配音),正直开朗稳重可靠的枣恭介(绿川光 配音),四肢发达头脑简单的井之原真人(神奈延年 配音),成熟勇敢剑术一流的宫泽谦吾(织田优成 配音)四人出现在了绝望的理树面前。他们自称“Little Busters”,想要利用理树的力量来完成拯救世界的重任。 就这样,理树成为了LB中的一份子,整日奔波解决一些说来宏大但其实十分平凡的委托。在相处的过程中,本来行为举止十分怪异的同伴们渐渐的变得可爱起来,理树也逐渐敞开了紧闭的心门,找回了久违的快乐。他开始明白,只要有一颗开朗向上的心,这样的生活一定能够继续下去直到永远。
回复 :Race Across The World, a new six-part series for BBC Two, will pit pairs of travellers against each other in a race to reach the Far East without taking a single flight, with no smartphone in sight. Each contestant will only have the cash equivalent of an air fare to their destination to pay for their overland travel. If they run out, they'll need to earn more.Setting out on the adventure of a lifetime, the couples will hit the open road using whatever mode of transport they can - from trains to pickup trucks, from ferries to tuk-tuks - crossing continents and experiencing travel the way we once used to.And the race is on to reach the finish line in the fastest time, making best use of their money - and strategy - to win a cash prize. This flightless race will allow the teams time to savour some of the world’s most beautiful and astonishing scenery, which the modern-day traveller seldom gets to see.Each couple has their own personal motivation for taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime experience, immersing themselves in different cultures, forming bonds and friendships across cultural divides and relying on the kindness of strangers in order to stand the best chance of winning the competition.
回复 :从小在森林长大的主人公阿呜,在回归城市生活后,因为难以适应而产生了许多烦恼。这时,两位拥有超能力的老朋友——浣影和蓝方包出现了,可他们并非来帮助阿呜适应城市生活,而是给阿呜带来了守护城市的使命。原来,一只小老鼠凭借着超凡的智力制造出巨型的怪兽,正在城市中到处抢占食物和资源,为了城市的安全,阿呜义无反顾地接受使命,变身成铠兽超人,教训捣乱的怪兽。在与怪兽的对战中,阿呜经历了无数的磨炼与考验,而这些经历使得阿呜慢慢成长起来,总有一天,他会适应城市生活并成为优秀的城市守护者。