苍天Diana, a young woman who lost her sight, finds a guide in a Chinese boy named Chin. Together they will track down a dangerous killer th rough the darkness of Italy.
苍天Diana, a young woman who lost her sight, finds a guide in a Chinese boy named Chin. Together they will track down a dangerous killer th rough the darkness of Italy.
回复 :《人生一串》是国内首档呈现国人烧烤情结的专题片,以展现全国各地独具特色的烧烤文化为主题,涉及近30个城市的500多家传奇烧烤摊。与以往的烧烤节目不同,《人生一串》极具市井气息,把镜头从庙堂拉至寻常摊铺,真实地去展现烧烤的乐天内涵与江湖风味。
回复 :在1979年,劳伦斯·比塔格和他的搭档罗伊绑架并奸杀了五名少女,凶器用的是老虎钳、槌子和螺丝刀等器具,因此被称为“工具箱杀手”。劳伦斯在1981年被判死刑,但是等了38年仍未执行,最终病死在狱中。他在折磨其中一个受害者时录了一个40多分钟的录音,此录音当年负责此案的警官为了让陪审团给他判刑播放了部分,结果使大部分陪审团哭着跑出了法庭或者当场呕吐,现在这个录音已成为FBI用来训练自己的成员心理素质的工具。
回复 :During a raging snowstorm, a drifter returns home to the blue-collar bar located in the remote Canadian town where he was born. When he offers to settle an old debt with a grizzled bartender by telling him a story, the night's events quickly spin into a dark tale of mistaken identities, double-crosses and shocking violence. You're not going to believe what happened at The Oak Room.