恶魔Conman Leo Garfield is in hot water after accepting a contract to murder businessman Julius Harvey's alleged wife, Gloria. Leo's wife Lily brings trouble too when her old flame Elmo pops up again, years after she abandoned him mid-heist.
恶魔Conman Leo Garfield is in hot water after accepting a contract to murder businessman Julius Harvey's alleged wife, Gloria. Leo's wife Lily brings trouble too when her old flame Elmo pops up again, years after she abandoned him mid-heist.
回复 :A religious grandmother learns how to use the internet. When she accidentally comes across pornography, she is faced with a dilemma.
回复 :近十年前在国内艺术电影院上映过的西德爱情喜剧,导演柏西.艾德隆曾以此片走红国际影坛,女主角是胖妞玛丽安娜.萨吉布雷特。剧情描述在殡仪馆工作的女孩被年轻英俊的地铁司机所吸引,对他暗中观察调查,当发现他太太外出两个星期时,乃采取行动跟梦中情人达成偷情的心愿。本片可以说是“女为悦已者容"的有趣见证,导演采取高度实验性精神来处理这个奇特的爱情故事,长拍镜头与色彩运用均别具新意,是娱乐效果颇高的另类作品。
回复 :《恐怖勋章》倒霉的乔治对妻子黛西(Jeanie Wishes 饰)谎称自己战死,死后他奉妻子的老爹兼长官之命营救黛西,拒绝的话将被送往最血腥残酷的前线。在密林深处,他遭遇了纳粹敌人顽强的反击,千钧一发时刻,更被一名纳粹僵尸空降兵袭击;《哈莉特的战争》英国某乡村发生残酷诡异的杀人事件,美丽的赏金猎人哈莉特·普莱斯(Lara Lemon 饰)受邀前来,在地方警察琼斯(Cy Henty 饰)的协助下展开调查,她警告村民小心门户,免遭邪恶生物袭击。不久,一度失踪的另一名女受害者出现,向众人宣告了恐怖预言;《闪电战恶魔》战乱年代,一家三口躲在房间内惶惶不可终日。威胁他们生命的不仅有战火,还有恐怖的嗜血恶魔……