酆都Tomás, an 11-year-old boy living in his own fantasy world, must use his vast monster knowledge to fight against his new English teacher: a wicked woman who is, in fact, a child-eating monster.
酆都Tomás, an 11-year-old boy living in his own fantasy world, must use his vast monster knowledge to fight against his new English teacher: a wicked woman who is, in fact, a child-eating monster.
回复 :Garrett is a rising YouTube star. Shell is a deeply emotional fan. When they begin a romantic relationship, he's forced to question whether opening your life to strangers online is an invitation to community and rescue...or to stalking, obsession and madness.
回复 :在20世纪90年代的孟买,一名犯罪头目手眼通天——直到一群以下手狠辣著称的“黑警”出现。
回复 :《古代战场第2季》是一部大型历史文化类系列纪录片,本系列纪录片共21集,选取中国历史上非常具有代表性的战争,从战争发生的背景,人物故事来再现还原真实的战争过程。 从公元前2000年至今的四千多年中,伴随着一场场战争的爆发,中原大地见证了各个朝代的更替。每一场战役都预示了一个旧的时代走向灭亡。战争的云谲波诡,钩心斗角、大智大勇的背后暗藏玄机。伴随着每一场战争,历史给我们留下一个个让人为之震撼与唏嘘的名字。 本片主要以情景再现的形式,通过实地拍摄、专家采访等方式给大家展现每一场战争中的史实背景与鲜活故事,让观众能够更加直观的感受到古代战场的瞬息万变。