回复 :忠臣宋沅被奸相贾守道陷害入狱,只有携先皇所赐的「免死铁券」上京伸冤,方可免罪。贾守道派出锦衣卫高思贤(王侠饰)搜夺铁券,以置宋沅于死地;宋妻及女宋洁(李菁饰)将「免死铁券」藏于琵琶中,沿途卖唱掩饰。无赖吴三(魏平澳饰)得知宋氏母女真正身份,心想利用她们换贵官高禄,将高思贤引来,混乱中「免死铁券」被做在砖內,却无人知晓……
回复 :本作は正体不明の3人組ミュージシャン“テクノブラザーズ”が、レコード会社への売り込みのため、冷酷なマネージャーとともに東京へ向かうロードムービー。
回复 :Ruth is searching for her father – a man she hardly knew but cannot forget. Desperation drives her to work without a permit, at a massage parlour, where she gives ‘happy endings’ to unfulfilled men. Torn between several schisms, Mumbai becomes the backdrop for Ruth's quest as she struggles to find her independence and space even as she is sucked deeper into the labyrinthine politics of the city's underbelly.