回复 :"Tell Me Lies" follows a tumultuous but intoxicating relationship as it unfolds over the course of 8 years. When Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White) meet at college, they are at that formative age when seemingly mundane choices lead the way to irrevocable consequences. Although their relationship begins like any typical campus romance, they quickly fall into an addictive entanglement that will permanently alter not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them.
回复 :1960年代的中国,一名年轻女性的关键决定掀起跨越时空的波澜,影响了一群身处现代的杰出科学家。自然法则在他们眼前逐渐支离破碎,五位曾经共事的科学家必须再度合作,化解人类史上最重大的威胁。
回复 :三皇五帝,夏商为继。只因那商纣王帝辛(吴卓翰 饰)言语轻薄,触怒了女娲娘娘,致使殷商六百年江山发生翻天覆地的巨变,也引出了封神榜的千古传奇。奉娘娘懿旨,千年修行的九尾狐协同二妖下山,化身苏护之女苏妲己(张馨予 饰)的模样,魅惑纣王,祸乱朝纲。自此纣王愈加荒淫无度,做出诸多天怒人怨的歹事来。另一方面,师从元始天尊的姜子牙(陈键锋 饰)学得一身本领,他下山前往西周,辅助有道之君夺取天下。另一方面,忌恨师兄姜子牙的申公豹(张明明 饰)投靠殷商,引来各路豪强阻挡周武王的大业。天仙、地仙倾巢出动,乱世英雄横刀立马,浩浩荡荡的神话传奇来开大幕……本片根据中国古典名著《封神演义》改编。