真城When the harmony in a village is threatened by outside elements, two sisters must fight to save their people and restore the glory of a mermaid goddess to the land.源自:https://festival.sundance.org/program/film/638a1f6677dd3d8174806d1a
真城When the harmony in a village is threatened by outside elements, two sisters must fight to save their people and restore the glory of a mermaid goddess to the land.源自:https://festival.sundance.org/program/film/638a1f6677dd3d8174806d1a
回复 :一对忠实的夫妇的安静的周末发生了奇怪的转折,一个噩梦般的疯狂邪教领导人要去成天启预言。。。
回复 :悠斗(向理来 饰)是一个个性非常内向的少年,在班级里属于默不作声的那一挂,整日沉浸在自己的世界中。班上新上任的老师青山(盐口量平 饰)吸引了悠斗的注意,在不知不觉之中,两人开始了交换日记的举动。虽然不善言辞,但悠斗很擅长用文字倾诉感情,久而久之,悠斗向青山敞开了心扉。一天,悠斗因为感冒而没去上学,担心的青山登门探望,两人独处一室,在暧昧的气氛中,青山没能控制住自己的感情,吻了悠斗。青山的吻给悠斗的内心里带来的极大的震撼,他激烈的拒绝了青山的求爱。之后,青山辞去了教师的职务,两人再也没有见过面,一晃眼三年过去。
回复 :The incredible story of how Pluto has been propelled from an unremarkable ball of ice on the edge of the solar system to a world of unimaginable complexity - where some form of alien life might exist.Featuring first-hand accounts of the incredible discoveries made by New Horizons from many of the scientists involved in the mission.