琪琪The film follows 6-year-old Villads in school and at home. Villads often runs into trouble because he loves to play, and most of the times the rules of Villads' playing are in conflict with the rules of the adults.
琪琪The film follows 6-year-old Villads in school and at home. Villads often runs into trouble because he loves to play, and most of the times the rules of Villads' playing are in conflict with the rules of the adults.
回复 :
回复 :彌里(山岸逢花 飾)與丈夫孝明搬進了新公寓,在某次機緣下受到隔壁鄰居舞香(範田紗紗 飾)的幫助,兩人從此培養出好交情。某日,舞香提議兩家人一起吃頓飯,在用餐時彌里發現舞香的丈夫大輝,對於妻子愛情的表現十分開放而訝異不已,更意想不到的是,這對鄰居夫妻竟提出交換性伴侶的邀約…。
回复 :在一列开往广州的高铁上,两个陌生男女因为座位相邻偶然攀谈起来,发现彼此都是“70后”同龄人。男人在广州一家工厂做业务经理,经常出差奔波,与家人异地生活。这次好不容易回家看看,刚呆了两天就接到工厂电话让他赶紧坐车回去。而女人此次出行则是为了散心。看出女人似乎有心事,男人询问起来,两人打开了话匣子,男人埋怨家中妻子不理解自己奔波在外的难处,女人不满丈夫与人处事尤其与异性的行为,列车在起伏的山脉中间行进,时而钻进山洞,时而跨过河面,在一望无际绿油油的田野中穿行,许久静了下来,通过这段两性的沟通,他们似乎明白了什么。