宅男The Titans try to remember how to be superheroes in order to stop The Brain.
宅男The Titans try to remember how to be superheroes in order to stop The Brain.
回复 :动画宣布制作第二季
回复 :《四娘物语》是指HAL FILM MAKER制作的2集OVA 。《四娘物语》的故事设定比较简单,在主人公与少女们毕业之后,他们所就读的学校就要废校了。在离别之际,他们写下各自的心情装在一起埋于校园中,并许下了3年后再见的约定。那么结果再次相会的少女们能在废弃的校园中找到自己曾经的心情么?
回复 :The creators of Phineas and Ferb present a series about the descendant of the namesake for Murphy's law, which states that if anything can go wrong, it will.