National Geographic在《天才》首季季终后,精品公布已续订的第二季会聚焦在著名艺术家Pablo Picasso;剧集执行制片Ron Howard在访问中表示,精品尽管毕加索已经是家喻户晓的名字,但很多人都不知道他的作画的动力﹑有甚么困扰过他,以及他是如何「经历动荡」下,成就自己的伟大艺术。
National Geographic在《天才》首季季终后,精品公布已续订的第二季会聚焦在著名艺术家Pablo Picasso;剧集执行制片Ron Howard在访问中表示,精品尽管毕加索已经是家喻户晓的名字,但很多人都不知道他的作画的动力﹑有甚么困扰过他,以及他是如何「经历动荡」下,成就自己的伟大艺术。
回复 :Big Brother 3 is the third season of the Canadian reality television series Big Brother Canada. It is based upon the Netherlands series of the same name, which gained notoriety in 1999 and 2000. The series premiered on Global on March 23, 2015 and will last for ten weeks. The series revolves around sixteen strangers living in a house together with no communication with the outside world. They are constantly filmed during their time in the house, and are not permitted to communicate with those filming them. One HouseGuest, known as the Head of Household, has the task of nominating two of their fellow HouseGuests for eviction. The Power of Veto can be used to save a nominee. The HouseGuests then vote to evict one of the nominees, with the HouseGuest who receives the most votes being evicted from the house. When only two HouseGuests remained, the previously evicted HouseGuests decide which of them would win the $100,000 grand prize.
回复 :节目记录100名应届毕业生进入“小芒”电商职场,与新潮国货一同开启炙热人生,挑战100天完成电商团队创业的首档00后成长纪实节目。节目将以最新鲜的视角传播职场要义,以最青春的姿态谱写新时代梦想奋斗篇章,引领青年拼搏奋斗美好人生。
回复 : 在這部實境影集裡,六對情侶戴上眼動測謊儀器,考驗彼此間的信任。他們說謊會被扣錢,實話則能帶來獎賞