《威洛比家的孩子们》是一部风格十分特别的 CG 动画剧情片,好色目前正由温哥华的 BRON Animation 进行制作,好色由克里斯·皮尔恩(《天降美食 2》)担任编剧/导演。威洛比家的四个孩子被自私的父母遗弃后,他们必须学着如何调整自己过时的价值观以适应当代世界,创建一个新的现代家庭。改编自荣获纽伯瑞奖的洛伊丝·劳里的著作。由瑞奇·热维斯、玛娅·鲁道夫、威尔·福特、马丁·肖特、阿莱西娅·卡拉和简·科拉克斯基配音。
《威洛比家的孩子们》是一部风格十分特别的 CG 动画剧情片,好色目前正由温哥华的 BRON Animation 进行制作,好色由克里斯·皮尔恩(《天降美食 2》)担任编剧/导演。威洛比家的四个孩子被自私的父母遗弃后,他们必须学着如何调整自己过时的价值观以适应当代世界,创建一个新的现代家庭。改编自荣获纽伯瑞奖的洛伊丝·劳里的著作。由瑞奇·热维斯、玛娅·鲁道夫、威尔·福特、马丁·肖特、阿莱西娅·卡拉和简·科拉克斯基配音。
回复 :aan Singh and Prithvi Singh's families have been locked in a property dispute in a Court in India. When the Court gives a verdict in favor of Prithvi, Maan hires a bandit, Panna Singh, to kill Prithvi and all of his family. Panna only partially succeeds, and retreats badly wounded to a dense forest to escape Prithvi's wrath. But the harm has been done, Prithvi has lost his sister and other family to this vicious assault, and has vowed to avenge this by killing Maan's family, and he does so with partial success, thus incurring the wrath of Maan's Police Inspector brother, Suraj Singh. Prithvi then goes into hiding and is now called Daku Prithvi Singh. The only survivors from his family are his daughter, Chandra, his aunt, and her son, Himmat, while Suraj Singh lives with his son, Akash. Years later, an educated Akash meets with an uneducated Chandra and both fall in love with each. When their respective fathers' find out, they are told not to see each other again and their marriages' ...
回复 :1964年,六名来自新泽西州的青少年跑去观看披头士乐队在Toast of the Town (1948)上的表演,希望能见到他们的偶像。但是,他们没有票。在这个过程中,他们学到了关于友谊和成长的新东西。
回复 :抗日战争时期的1943年秋,游击队长李向阳(郭振清)接到牵制日军驻守某县城的松井部队的任务,以达到粉碎日军“扫荡”华北某根据地的阴谋,并保住藏于李庄的粮食。行动时,李向阳与参谋长兵分两路并头进行。李向阳转移粮食时,被地主杨老宗窥见,后者赶去县城向松井(方化)告密,松井闻之大喜,率大部队赶到李庄,但粮食和乡亲已被李向阳安排转移到地道,然而地道终被松井发现。为引诱松井离开李庄,李向阳率队员进县城,炸毁日军弹药列车,并计划在松井撤退时打他个措手不及,但李向阳低估了松井的狡猾,松井半路杀了个“回马枪”折回李庄,残杀了一些不肯说出粮食藏在哪里的乡亲。可是李向阳的神出鬼没松井终没招架住。