回复 :故事背景是乡下的一个社区,雷特别来到乡下享受一周假期,却发现新搬来的邻居古先生一家行踪怪异,经常昼伏夜出,屋子的气氛亦恐怖得有如鬼屋。此时恰好另一邻居华特先生神秘失踪,雷猜疑是否古做的好事?于是趁古家一家人外出时,亲自摸进古家内一探究竟……
回复 :在残忍的犯罪头目的命令下,一名逃跑的司机必须与自己的良心作斗争,并促使一名毫无戒心的同伙去执行。前面还有很长的车程。
回复 :In Nightwatch the sequel, Emma, a medical student, takes on a nightwatch job in the forensic department. And it is no coincidence. Since the fatal night-30 years earlier, when psychopathic inspector Wörmer almost killed Emma's parents, who were saved at the very last minute by their friend Jens, her family has been haunted by this horrific memory. Her mother Kalinka, actually committed suicide when Emma was 10 and her father Martin is still the shadow of himself.The young woman decides to investigate what happened in her parents’ past. Upon meeting with Wörmer, Emma wakes him from his coma, and unintentionally initiates a bloody revenge on all of those who sealed Wörmer’s destiny.