赌侠定胜The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back.
赌侠定胜The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back.
回复 :教授艾玛拉斯(爱米尔·强宁斯 Emil Jannings 饰)执教于一所校风严谨规矩繁多的学校中,他自己的性格亦是如此,一生都循规蹈矩的他最看不惯的就是学生们桀骜出格的举动。一次偶然中,艾玛拉斯得知自己的一群学生要去看歌舞表演,怒不可遏的他当即决定前往剧场将这些不守规矩的黄毛小子们逮个正着。令教授意想不到的是,他的这一举动将永远的改写自己余生的命运。劳拉(玛琳·黛德丽 Marlene Dietrich 饰)是剧场里的万人迷,几乎所有的男人都情不自禁的拜倒在她的石榴裙下,艾玛拉斯教授也不例外,当他在剧院里第一次见到劳拉时,便陷入了对她深深的迷恋中无法自拔。经过苦苦的追求,劳拉终于成为了艾玛拉斯的新娘,两人之间悬殊的个性和地位也为将要发生的悲剧奠定了基调。
回复 :犯罪重本行為死刑、無期徒刑或十年以上有期徒刑之罪者,其追訴期為30年。即,就算殺了人,只要躲得了30年,法律上你就無罪了。陳潛七歲的時候目睹雙親被行刑式地殘殺,三十年來他不斷地想辦法追尋出弒親兇手-『大貓』。只要睜開眼,陳潛眼裡就是獵捕那記憶中大貓手上的老虎刺青。然而這些年卻日復一日空白地過去,謎樣的大貓就像人間蒸發。三十年即將期滿,刑法第80條似乎會是壓垮陳潛的最後稻草,那僅存一絲的渺茫希望,即將破壞殆盡。但兩個她出現了,就在陳潛最是無能為力時,兩個足以改變陳潛命運的女子出現了...。
回复 :Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a small village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents.The actress Tania travels from Munich to a village in the north of Germany. The skies are grey, just like the sea and the wintery plains. Her feelings are also covered in a grey veil of mist. Her painful past makes it impossible for this forty-something to feel anything at all.The arrival of the stranger is immediately noticed in the tight-lipped community, but she is hardly welcome. Only the teenager Thore, whose imagination is too much for this no-man’s-land, has contact with her. A fragile band develops between them - attraction, rejection and occasionally sexually charged. Thore reveals a need in Tania, one she didn’t know she had. She decides to ‘steal’ Thore to come to terms with her own loss.Rough is a directing debut filmed with great poise and with a sharp eye for this beautiful yet slightly depressing landscape and the people who inhabit it. The camera first functions as a detached observer, then as an accomplice, always very close to Tania.