  时间:2025-02-23 10:59:37

亚洲Fernando Di Leo's "Milano Calibro 9" is an out-and-out masterpiece of Italian Crime cinema and, in my opinion, one of the most astonishing crime stories ever told. The first film in Di Leo's excellent 'Milieu' trilogy, "Milano Calibro 9" was followed by "La Mala Ordina" (aka. "Manhunt", also 1972) and the brilliant "Il Boss" (1973). The three films are not connected story-wise, but all three are excellent, and highly realistic portrayals of organized crime. As far as I am concerned "Manhunt" is (allthough excellent) slightly inferior to this one and "Il Boss" which both stand out as absolute all-time highlights of crime cinema. "Milano Calibro 9" is the best of them all, a film that is astonishing in all aspects, be it the ingenious plot that, apart from a compelling story and clever twists, includes social criticism, the performances, the gritty atmosphere and suspense or the brilliant score. I can hardly find the right words to express my admiration for this masterpiece which easily ranks among the greatest Gangster flicks ever brought to screen.Gastone Moschin stars as Ugo Piazza, a tough and elliptical ex-convict who has just been released from prison. Immediately after his release, Ugo is approached by members of the Milan mob lead by the irascible gangster Rocco (Mario Adorf), as they suspect him to be responsible for the disappearance of a large sum of money belonging to their boss, an American (Lionel Stander) who controls the organized crime in Milan..."Milano Calibro 9" is a film that delivers an astonishingly realistic mood of the underworld like hardly another. The intriguing storyline goes in hand with interesting characters, raw atmosphere, suspense and breathtaking action, social criticism and brutal violence. The film is simply stunning from the beginning to the end, which is even intensified by the brilliant score, a collaboration of the famous composer Luis Enríquez Bacalov and the Italian Progressive Rock band Osanna. Ugo Piazza must be one of the most charismatic gangster characters ever in cinema, and Gastone Moschin was the prefect choice for the role. Moschin delivers a brilliant performance, and the rest of the cast is also great. Mario Adorf is irascible like a rabid dog as the ferocious gangster Rocco, a role that fits him like a glove. The great Lionel Stander fits perfectly in his role of the American Mafia Don.The two cop characters in the film are played by two of the greatest regulars of Italian genre-cinema, Luigi Pistilli and Frank Wolff (who committed suicide before the film was released). The ravishing Barbara Bouchet is astonishing and incredibly sexy in the role of Ugo Piazza's stripper girlfriend. Bouchet is both a stunning beauty and an excellent actress and this is doubtlessly one of her most memorable roles. This is also a political film and director Di Leo embedded a lot of social criticism about topics like corruption. This film simply has everything one can possibly desire in cinema. Films like "Milano Calibro 9" are the reason why I love cinema. This is an absolute masterpiece in all regards and, without exaggeration, one of the greatest Crime flicks ever made! The ingenious opening scene alone is more memorable than most films get in two hours.




回复 :隶属于关东头号黑帮组织山王会的池元组头目(国村隼 饰)曾在监狱与小组织村濑组头目(石桥莲司 饰)结为兄弟。山王会野心勃勃,时刻觊觎村濑的地盘和毒品生意。在山王会若头加藤(三浦友和 饰)的授意下,池元命令麾下的大友组向村濑组发起挑战。大友(北野武 饰)的猛烈攻击和山王会老大(北村总一郎 饰)的毒辣计谋令村濑节节败退,被迫退休,组内的生意也易作他主。大友组人才辈出,若头水野(椎名桔平 饰)和干部石原(加濑亮 饰)亲自主持在某非洲国家使馆开辟赌场,一时间财源滚滚。然而风云变幻,在早已抛弃了传统仁义道德的黑帮社会,各种阴谋纷纷浮现,大友组风雨飘摇……



回复 :在蒋师傅门下学拳的小凡,一心的在为全国武术比赛练习,而让他想不到的是,他的女朋友玲玲的哥哥陈思远对玲玲产生了色心,陈思远找到了在黑道心狠手辣的大飞,想要借大飞的手杀掉小凡,大飞看小凡的武术很厉害,想要靠小凡打黑拳捞一笔,大飞找到了小凡,小凡没有答应,然而大飞派阿毛伤了小凡的妈妈,小凡的妈妈的治疗需要一大笔的费用,小凡被逼无奈的去找了大飞,答应帮大飞去打黑拳,凑足了手术费用的小凡把钱找个小孩把钱送到了在医院的蒋师傅的手中,蒋师傅看到后非常气愤,找到了他的徒弟去找小凡……



回复 :未来世界中,工程工人道格拉斯(Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)被持续的梦境困扰,那是一系列发生在红色火星上的体验。道格拉斯在广告上发现了回忆旅行公司的介绍,虽然同事警告他这种虚拟旅行可能会危害人类的大脑,但比起亲自去一趟充斥着反政府武装的火星,回忆旅行公司确是一个不错的选择。道格拉斯如愿接受了回忆旅行的服务,但是虚拟记忆的过程突然出现错误,自此一系列不可思议的经历出现在道格拉斯的身上,先是妻子劳瑞(Sharon Stone 饰)向他发起攻击并承认自己是监视道格拉斯的间谍,后来有陌生人出现帮助他逃脱并指出他是火星独裁者针对反政府武装派出的特工,结果因为一名女子梅丽(Rachel Ticotin 饰)改变了立场……道格拉斯动身前往火星,那里有一切的谜底,或者一切又只是梦境一场?

