An Indian family is expelled from Uganda when Idi Amin takes power. They move to Mississippi and time passes. The Indian daughter falls in love with a black man, and the respective families have to come to terms with it.
An Indian family is expelled from Uganda when Idi Amin takes power. They move to Mississippi and time passes. The Indian daughter falls in love with a black man, and the respective families have to come to terms with it.
回复 :单身男子尼克(艾斯·库珀饰)是一个玩世不恭的家伙,他似乎更享受追求心仪对象的过程,而对成功后的感情经营全无兴aaa。这一次,他将目标锁定在单身妈妈苏珊娜(尼娅·朗饰)的身上。之前失败的婚姻让苏珊娜对待感情颇多忌惮,谨小慎微,任凭尼克如何大献殷勤也难有建树。适逢圣诞节临近,苏珊娜因工作原因不得不和一双子女分处温哥华和纽约两地,这令她倍为伤感。尼克瞅准时机,自告奋勇去接11岁的琳赛(AleishaAllen饰)和7岁的凯文(菲利普·鲍顿饰)来温哥华与母亲团聚。令尼克始料未及的是,琳赛和凯文似乎很讨厌任何想追求母亲的男人,他们为尼克设下了无数艰难险阻……
回复 :陈念(周冬雨 饰)是一名即将参加高考的高三学生,同校女生胡晓蝶(张艺凡 饰)的跳楼自杀让她的生活陷入了困顿之中。胡晓蝶死后,陈念遭到了以魏莱(周也 饰)为首的三人组的霸凌,魏莱虽然表面上看来是乖巧的优等生,实际上却心思毒辣,胡晓蝶的死和她有着千丝万缕的联系。一次偶然中,陈念邂逅了名为小北(易烊千玺 饰)的小混混,随着时间的推移,心心相惜的两人之间产生了真挚的感情。小北答应陈念在暗中保护她免受魏莱的欺凌,没想到这一决定引发了一连串的连锁反应。负责调查胡晓蝶死因的警官郑易(尹昉 饰)隐隐察觉到校园里的古怪气氛,可他的调查却屡屡遭到校方的阻挠。
回复 :In a series of simple and joyous vignettes, director Roberto Rossellini and co-writer Federico Fellini lovingly convey the universal teachings of the People's Saint: humility, compassion, faith, and sacrifice. Gorgeously photographed to evoke the medieval paintings of Saint Francis's time, and cast with monks from the Nocera Inferiore Monastery, The Flowers of St. Francis is a timeless and moving portrait of the search for spiritual enlightenment.