:A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 5Episode # Air Date# Guests5-01 12/Feb/99 Simon LeBon, Karen Poole, Ian Dury, Kathy Burke5-02 19/Feb/99 Faye Tozer, Glen Matlock, Sara Cox, Junior Simpson5-03 26/Feb/99 Frank Skinner, Leeroy Thornhill, Rick Wakeman, Paul Godfrey5-04 05/Mar/99 Rowland Rivron, Meat Loaf, Billie Piper, Nick Keynes5-05 12/Mar/99 Have I Got Buzzcocks All Over5-06 19/Mar/99 Carl Cox, John Hegley, Kate Thornton, Roy Wood5-07 26/Mar/99 Toyah Willcox, Kele LeRoc, Tom Gray, Adam Bloom5-08 02/Apr/99 Bill Bailey, Howard Jones, Grant Nicholas, Tony Wright5-09 26/Mar/99 Tony Hadley, Chrissie Hynde, Bobby Davro, Josie Lawrence
:这部由时光网出品的五集电影人物纪实节目,首次将镜头聚焦于一群中国电影的幕后英雄,来自美术、声音、特效、摄影、配音5大电影幕后工种,他们是代表着当今中国电影产业水准的最优秀的7位电影人。怎么用声音去表演?怎么用光影去造型?为了做《影》买下全世界的雨声是怎么回事?节目中,他们畅谈各自的电影创作与职业故事,用一个个鲜活的个体故事,真实呈现了 “一部电影的诞生”;中国特效是不是五毛?中国能不能做得了“灭霸”?东方电影美学能不能征服世界?他们直指行业的困顿与问题,也回答大众对中国电影的“偏见”,用专业为观众答疑解惑,为当下中国电影产业找到正确的打开方式。《我在中国做电影》既是“给电影的一封情书”,也是给万千影迷、爱电影的人、致力于从事电影工作的新人们的“一堂电影课”!