处片Thea, Rene's wife, always invites her other man, Geoff, over dinner for them to make out in the house. But when a new woman, Camille, enters the picture, Thea's wild and crazy game play changes.
处片Thea, Rene's wife, always invites her other man, Geoff, over dinner for them to make out in the house. But when a new woman, Camille, enters the picture, Thea's wild and crazy game play changes.
回复 :Camilla is a lawyer and a mother to a teenage daughter. Her life turns upside down one night when she gets involved in a car accident. She starts her own investigation that will take her far away from the places she's familiar with.
回复 :抗議傢俬廠無理裁員,中年漢五年來靜坐示威要求賠償,在終審敗訴裁決下一 切努力化為烏有。未知何去何從,決定來個短暫休假,迎接他回家的是兩個把 父親當作透明的女兒。到舊友傢俬工房打工為女兒籌學費、買大衣,遇上共事 青年因工受傷,令他重新思考社運份子與父親的雙重角色。演而優則導的李蘭 姬首作,以沉樸寫實筆觸在社會暗晦畫布上繪出一幅輪廓鮮明的人物素描,為 身邊人煮的一頓頓家常飯菜中,炊煙裊裊散透着堅持公義與人性尊嚴的暖香。
回复 : 本片是1958年恐怖科幻片《变形怪体》的重拍版,比起30年前的那部在技术上和情节上都有了显著的改进。史提夫.安德鲁和同伴发现了一块从太空飞来的大陨石,起初他们并没有发现这块石头有什么不同之处,但偶然间他们发现了这块石头里藏着外星来的生物,并且它们可能会给镇上的人带来灾难。但两个年轻人的话自然不会让大人们相信,在外星异形接连袭击了镇上的超市、餐厅和电影院之后,大人们才开始相信两人所言非虚。