回复 :A feature documentary film about internationally renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins, is a revelatory cinéma vérité film that goes behind the scenes of his mammoth seminar "Date With Destiny," attended by over 2,500 people in Boca Raton, Florida, each year, to give an insider look at how one man can affect millions. Granted never before seen access to the behind the scenes modus operandi of this enormous event, this film captures both the immense effort of producing this live seminar, as well as the life-changing transformations of the participants in real time. Embedding with Tony Robbins and his team over the course of six days, Academy Award nominated filmmaker Joe Berlinger turns an unflinching eye on Tony Robbins' powerful and uncompromising approach to achieving success, ensuring the attendees leave "Date With Destiny" with new perspective on the forces, thoughts, and feelings that motivate their behavior and help them take ...
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回复 :抗日战争时期,地下工作者傅经年(孙红雷 饰)有着双重特工的身份,他和拍档“影子”(徐静蕾 饰)原本要进行最后一次合作,可随着接头人“回声”(黄磊 饰)被傅经年上司——中统特务头子纪曾恩(方中信 饰)捕获,两人均面临重大威胁。危急关头影子牺牲了自己解救了傅经年,真相被影子收养的义妹宁待(桂纶镁 饰)看在眼里,随着深入接触和一系列事件纠葛,宁待与傅经年宿命般地相爱了,可是好景不长,国仇家恨又使两人分离。抗战结束后,纪夫人(蔡少芬 饰)给傅经年介绍了好姐妹卢秋漪(蒋勤勤 饰),此时此刻宁待又出现了,双重身份、国共两党的纠葛使得傅经年面对近在咫尺的爱情却无法触及,组织上的任务让他面临人生中最艰难的抉择,随着内战的白热化,他该何去何从?本片是导演赵宝刚的电影处女作,故事时间跨度达70年。融合谍战和爱情元素,诠释了一位地下工作者与一位舞蹈老师的恋情。