回复 :盧卡斯和克洛伊對解謎遊戲有極大的熱情,他們參加了一個充滿謎團的逃脫遊戲「妄想症」。在滿懷信心地解開一道道謎題後,兩人跟隨線索來到了最後關卡的所在地—一座廢棄的精神病院。在那裡還有另外四名玩家等著他們,隨著遊戲進行,殺戮也跟著展開,參賽者們很快就明白,他們之中只有一個能活著走出去……。
回复 :目前蘇導演規劃中的首部劇情長片,是以1994年文化大學美術系罷課事件為背景的《青春並不溫柔》,該提案入選2018年台北電影節與法國南特三洲影展合辦的南特國際提案工作坊(Produire au Sud)及東京新銳營(Talents Tokyo),正積極籌製中。
回复 :In Nightwatch the sequel, Emma, a medical student, takes on a nightwatch job in the forensic department. And it is no coincidence. Since the fatal night-30 years earlier, when psychopathic inspector Wörmer almost killed Emma's parents, who were saved at the very last minute by their friend Jens, her family has been haunted by this horrific memory. Her mother Kalinka, actually committed suicide when Emma was 10 and her father Martin is still the shadow of himself.The young woman decides to investigate what happened in her parents’ past. Upon meeting with Wörmer, Emma wakes him from his coma, and unintentionally initiates a bloody revenge on all of those who sealed Wörmer’s destiny.