回复 :Amra is growing up in the Mongolian steppe between herds of goats and YouTube videos. His hopes and dreams revolve around someday performing onstage in Mongolia's Got Talent. However, the fight against the exploitation by gold mining companies and the campaign for a viable environment soon challenge the boy's eclectic talents.
回复 :明中叶,东西两厂明争暗斗不断。东厂曹公公手下养了三大高手,分别是孟星魂(梁朝伟饰)、高老大(杨紫琼饰)、叶翔(甄子丹饰)三大高手,亦有小王爷(林志颖饰)帮忙。高老大经营快活林,孟星魂与叶翔皆是其从小养大的结拜弟弟,三人亲如手足。叶翔暗恋大姐,大姐却对孟星魂情有独钟。孟星魂与八卦门掌门之女小蝶(王祖贤饰)是爱侣,小蝶亦已怀有孟之骨肉。四人面对纠缠的感情痛苦不已,而此时孟星魂亦与高大姐接下刺杀孙玉函(徐锦江饰),将西厂李公公控制下的聚贤山庄一网打尽的任务。到底任务能否完成?而四人的感情又将何去何从?
回复 :Life brings an endearing young man with Down syndrome in contact with a self-indulgent man suffering from OCD.