回复 :罗伊对赛车十分痴迷,他在女儿度假的时候参加了一个赛车比赛。不久之后他参加了一场惊心动魄挪威非法赛车赛。
回复 :在乡下宁静的小镇里,人们辛勤耕作,享受宁静而安详的每一天。这天是秋分之后的满月,镇上的人们举办了篝火晚会,准备狂欢一整夜。日落时分,年轻人逐渐聚集在此,Hank是Abe的兄弟,他桀骜不驯,带着自己火辣的女友来到这里,Abe带着朋友Carter也随后出现,Hank和Abe随着年龄的增长互相变得不信任彼此,正是这个夜晚,他们之间的关系爆发了,当矛盾冲突到达顶点,这群年轻人将要何去何从,一切还能回归往日的平静吗?
回复 :Lucienne Delamare and Pierre Maury are having an affair. Lucienne's husband Paul is the mayor, and a French deputy. Pierre's wife Clotilde has been weak and sickly for years. Lucienne's husband holds no excitement for her, and he is always away in Paris on business. Pierre is now the vice-mayor, thanks to Paul. Lucienne and Pierre have a secret meeting spot by a lake along a country lane. Pierre's wife dies suddenly, by suicide the town gossips believe. Pierre confesses otherwise to Lucienne. Paul proposes a shady land deal which will "benefit the town", and wants Pierre's political support and collusion. Then Paul discovers proof of his wife's affair...