回复 : 《开心半小时》是一档集欢乐趣味内容于一体的娱乐类节目,为观众奉上丰富的午间快乐盛宴,成为大家茶余饭后不可或缺的精神食粮,为平淡的生活添加更多快乐的元素。
回复 :Inspired by true events, the Barracuda Queens are a group of disaffected teenage girls who, bored of their privileged lives in the affluent Stockholm suburb of Djursholm, become involved in an escalating campaign of house burglaries targeting their naive rich neighbors. By day they are high achieving students and daughters but by night, they are ruthless thieves.
回复 :围绕每一组嘉宾的单线故事,探秘好身材背后的笑容与泪水,呈现明星嘉宾们真实的减肥生活。