视院The true story of how love, fear, culture and belief lead a loving family to tragically kill one of their own during a four day exorcism ceremony.
视院The true story of how love, fear, culture and belief lead a loving family to tragically kill one of their own during a four day exorcism ceremony.
回复 :24岁的大学生尚明(金来沅 饰)从爷爷那里接来一道不可思议的命令:他必须和16岁的中学生宝恩(文根英 饰)结婚。话说这是上一代人承诺,却让这两个相差八岁、不同世界的两个人莫名其妙的踏上了婚姻殿堂。这个太早到来的婚姻让宝恩非常不习惯。她本来喜欢着棒球队的男生,结了婚还偷偷跑出来和他约会。尚明还算是有责任心的男人,无论如何都想照顾好小妻子,直到他到宝恩学校担任实习老师,尴尬事一桩桩接连到来!他既不能让别人知道自己有个16岁妻子,又要招架年轻女老师的追求,和宝恩的婚姻更是吉凶未卜。
回复 :沈志康(陈晓东 饰)生于香港草根阶层,只能在野鸡学校就读。康与好友在音响公司做兼职,他们为一所名校的歌唱比赛设置音响。阿康看到了在地铁偶遇的女孩——阿塔(梁咏琪 饰)两人的接触越来越多,很快就坠入情网了。阿康知道阿塔出身高贵,品学兼优,便顿生自卑感,欺骗女友自己也同样拥有高贵身份,闹出笑话。阿塔的母亲知道后,使她对阿康的印象大打折扣,更与阿康的父亲之间产生误会。小情侣之间也产生了矛盾。会考在即,阿塔的母亲阻止二人交往,由于阿塔心情不佳影响了考试成绩,没法考上满意的学校,只好到英国求学,初恋情人将面临分手……
回复 :The film which is based on the life on an Indian scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, who is credited to have constructed India's first unmanned plane is the tale of the hardships that he went through on the journey to discover. Also the film is set in the pre-independence era of Bombay of 1895.