大明A young girl wishes Christmas was over for good, and her wish is granted with unexpected consequences.
大明A young girl wishes Christmas was over for good, and her wish is granted with unexpected consequences.
回复 :齐欢畅(欧阳震华 饰)赌术天赋过人,18岁就跻身世界扑克大赛的总决赛。可是决赛前一时大意,竟遗失了3岁的弟弟齐欢乐。欢畅十分自责,以致在决赛时神不守舍,赌到一半时直接放弃跑出来寻找弟弟,这样他的对手乔初正(苗侨伟 饰)不劳而获的得到了扑克之王的称号。一晃十几年过去了。弟 弟欢乐一直没有消息,欢畅自此彻底沉沦,每天以赌来麻痹自己,而且不赌到输个精光不罢休。欢畅流落到了菲律宾,每日都到乔正初的赌场度日。在赌场打工的周福荣(许绍雄 饰)不忍心欢畅这样折磨自己,用尽一切办法劝他戒赌,乔正初亦伸出援手,为他安排工作,帮他重新做人。欢畅十分感激福荣和正初,三人成了莫逆。这日欢畅在赌场遇上烂赌女青云,和福荣捉弄了青云一番,二人不打不相识,成了朋友。欢畅感到是时候回港找寻亲生弟弟了,于是踏上了回港的飞机。
回复 :电视台记者韦海怡(邵美琪饰)在一次采访笼屋新闻时,邂逅终日沉迷于阅读的马中宝(温兆伦饰)。因海怡无意中取走《青蛙与蝎子》小说的后半部,而遭到中宝的苦苦纠缠。海怡母亲韦金铃(苗金凤饰)的地下情人湛有容(骆应钧饰)意图染指海怡,海怡不慎失手杀死了他。当自暴自弃的海怡被指控上庭时,中宝以惊人的记忆力为其申辩,海怡无罪释放,却遭受香港媒体的一致炮轰。当海怡不顾众人指点与中宝成为情侣时,中宝却惹上官司,海怡结识股坛大亨乔大羽(伍卫国饰)。无良律师李英杰(张国强饰)不择手段,居然与韦金铃联手对付海怡。经历种种考验的海怡和中宝,与周予诺(郭蔼明饰)共同创办了“青天周刊”,试图唤回传媒的良心。正当他们获得成功的时刻,海怡再次遭逢重创,开始慢慢变得失去良知……
回复 :An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by palace guards and is imprisoned. Realizing Abdullah's love for his donkey, Massoud becomes ashamed of his meanness and frees Bim and Abdullah. However, the donkey eats Massoud's father's lunch and is taken to a butcher. Abdullah and Massoud try to rescue Bim from the butcher, but robbers get there first and steal the donkey along with the butcher's goods. The robbers escape to the sea, and Abdullah and Massoud stage one last rescue attempt with all of their friends to try to save Bim.