回复 :Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity.For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, marking the start-up of the biggest and most expensive experiment in the history of the planet, pushing the edge of human innovation.As they seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe, 10,000 scientists from over 100 countries joined forces in pursuit of a single goal: to recreate conditions that existed just moments after the Big Bang and find the Higgs boson, potentially explaining the origin of all matter. But our heroes confront an even bigger challenge: have we reached our limit in understanding why we exist?Directed by Mark Levinson, a physicist turned filmmaker, from the inspiration and initiative of producer David Kaplan and masterfully edited by Walter Murch (Apocalypse Now, The English Patient, The Godfather trilogy), Particle Fever is a celebration of discovery, revealing the very human stories behind this epic machine.
回复 :《向古巴人致意》(Salut les Cabuins,1963) 可能是瓦尔达最早在政治上直接表态的一部影片。由于她接受“古巴电影学院”之邀前往访问,带去一台莱卡相机,却带回来两千多张照片。她深深为这个拉丁民族唯一的社会主义国家的娱悦所着迷。以那些照片为媒材,串接在巴黎所拍的舞蹈片断,静止的照片在洽洽的节奏里活跃了起来。这是名附其实一部她向古巴人致敬的影片。
回复 :在一个漆黑的夜晚,某海滨城市船厂仓库管理员李玉洪一家四口被人残忍杀害。这起恶性案件引起当地公安机关的高度重视,重案组杨高(张嘉译 饰)专门负责此案。经过缜密分析,警方已经锁定几个重要嫌疑人,杨高委托供职于船厂保卫科的叶民主(冯巩 饰)和老田(滕汝骏 饰)蹲守第七个埋伏点——市郊废弃火车站,负责监视犯罪团伙中的头目“智者”(牛振华 饰)。由于工作性质的关系,民主和老田对家里人也严格保密,夜以继日在火车站内的水塔里监视。在此期间,民主的女友百林(江珊 饰)心生误会,老田的身体也垮了下去。肝癌晚期的老田最终无奈退出,叶民主则在水塔内孤军奋战,似在进行一场遥遥无期的战争……