  时间:2025-01-18 08:02:31

日本What could the fate of the Villa Empain, Baron Empain’s crazy project in Brussels, which has gone through a long and eventful journey since its completion in 1934, possibly inspire? Katharina Kastner’s challenge was to draw the portrait of the place, keeping in mind the work of time, like in a human existence. Shot in 16mm, her film appeals to the senses, it captures the stirring of leaves undulating in the garden light, the movement of iridescent pearls, or the colourful games of
a piece by Daniel Buren. Without a word, but with a caressing camera, she pays close attention to the hidden patterns on the gorgeous marbles, or to the veins in the most precious types of wood used to decorate the rooms. In slight touches, regardless of the monumental aspect of the 27.000 square-feet villa and the pool that so impressed its first visitors, Katharina Kastner o ers an organic vision of the place, which has been marked by the trials and tribulations of life, and used successively as a museum, an embassy and a squat, until its final renovation. The clever editing makes furtive connections, underlines colour associations, mixes up times and tactile sensations, while the spaces we explore keep rustling. The film takes us on a reminiscing journey, with slices of Empain’s life, from the family archive here on a holiday, there playing on the beach, images from a distant past that keep haunting the premises. The film reveals to us this living space that was designed like a piece of art, but it does so in a wandering way. This dream vision guides us through the villa like an echo of foregone fantasies, a mental space, but also a welcoming backdrop for the work of time. A bit like the fingerprint work we see in the film, or the slight touch of a pencil on a blank sheet.




回复 :一部极其感人的纪录电影《积存时间的生活》,日本导演伏原健之拍摄,由日本影后树木希林担任旁白,日本现代陶渊明津端夫妇生活纪录片。藉由津端修一夫妇丰富的生活阅历,一幢深居林间的小屋,探索那些深藏于时间长河中的真正瑰宝。一部极其感人的纪录电影,由新闻工作出身的日本导演伏原健之拍摄,他在三顾茅庐后,终以四封信获得隐居山林建筑师津端修一与英子夫妇点头「我们愿意协助」,开始著手拍摄这部电影。一幢深居林间的小屋,位于日本高藏寺新城的一隅。那是建筑师津端修一、按著其师安东尼雷蒙德自豪的木造住宅所建成的。一年四季景緻万千,庭园栽植的上百种蔬果,经由其妻英子的巧手都成了道道佳餚。不论烹饪、裁缝、耕作,没有一样能难得倒她。他们的家居处处充满体贴与用心,印证建筑大师科比意的名言「房子该是生活的藏宝盒」。津端修一曾任日本住宅公团首席建筑师,60年代便提出保留树林为风开道的理念,希望新的建案都能开始与自然共生,却不为当时以发展经济优先的政策所採纳,徒成一片片了无生气的集合住宅。他于是改从自身做起,不仅放下繁忙工作,并在住宅区购入土地、盖起房屋也种植了林木。在历经半世纪的时光后,两夫妇的勤奋与优雅,果然为这片淨土栽下了无数珍宝...



回复 :Celestine, the chambermaid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man. But Mr Lanlaire is not a right choice: all the house is firmly controlled by Mme Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, ex-officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive, and does not share his mother's anti-republicans opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and also Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity ? Will sinister and inflexible Joseph let his views upon Celestine be ruined ? A quite disillusioned depiction of humanity.



回复 :二战末期,一个17岁的小男孩在乡间游荡,他先被苏维埃军队捉获,然后释放,之后又因为穿上一件御寒的德国军装而再次被苏联部队逮捕,被监禁在一个偏僻的兵营,在那里他跟一名年轻的苏联士兵建立起一段不可能的友谊关系。影片展示出导演一贯的主题:心理因素、随意的暴力和独裁政权。

