剧场版《BanG Dream ! Episode of Roselia Ⅰ 約束》公开先导影像,本作将于2021年在日本公开
剧场版《BanG Dream ! Episode of Roselia Ⅰ 約束》公开先导影像,本作将于2021年在日本公开
回复 :转入景部高中的迷之美少女——诗音,因为拔群的运动神经和天真烂漫的性格在学校中迅速成为了受欢迎的女孩子,实际上,她竟然是处于实验中的“AI”。诗音突然在孤独的里美面前唱歌,并试图用意想不到的方式让她收获“幸福”。得知她是人工智能的里美、还有里美的青梅竹马兼机械爱好者东马、人气第一的帅哥小豪,意志坚强的女孩绫、柔道部成员桑达一行人,被诗音折腾着的同时,也被她执著的样子和歌声感动。诗音为了里美做出的某个行动,竟把她们卷入了大混乱中。稍显笨拙的人工智能和她的同学们交织成,充满温情和乐趣的电影。
回复 :卡塔莉娜(内田真礼 配音)是含着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,15岁那一年,因为撞到了脑袋而意外的获得了转生之前的记忆,卡塔莉娜震惊的发现,此时的她正处于前世的她特别喜欢的一款乙女游戏《FORTUNE LOVER》的世界之中,而她在这个世界里扮演的角色,竟然是游戏里专门设置用来妨碍游戏主人公恋情的邪恶反派,而她最好的结局是被流放,最坏的结局是死亡! 金发碧眼黑心的抖S王子吉奥尔多(苍井翔太 配音)、拥有美艳的外表和扭曲的内心的吉斯(柿原彻也 配音)、拥有杰出音乐天赋的亚兰(铃木达央 配音)、魔性美少年尼克尔(松冈祯丞 配音),卡塔莉娜究竟要如何同他们相处才能够避免惨死的命运呢?
回复 :Ugly Americans is an American animated sitcom created by Devin Clark and developed by David M. Stern. The program focuses on the life of Mark Lilly, www. chaoji365.com a social worker employed by the Department of Integration, in an alternate reality version of New York City inhabited by monsters and other creatures gozando's torrents are always clean and if there is any problem ,please drop me a message and i will look into as soon and possible can, but just ENJOY IT ........ Haters stay Away with your falses comments and those who love to drop Bombs like FAKE, FISHY ,ETC,ETC, please get a life.haters had done that before but like i said, God is my witness and those who download my torrents,, i never upload garbage or anything wrong, all the material I upload i already seen it so is just fine. so help me fight the haters ans LIARS brown nosers..