中国真人A young mute woman, living in a small village, is expecting a baby. Her husband is at the same time writing a novel and using the villagers as his characters. In the creative process, reality and imagination are constantly intertwined.
中国真人A young mute woman, living in a small village, is expecting a baby. Her husband is at the same time writing a novel and using the villagers as his characters. In the creative process, reality and imagination are constantly intertwined.
回复 :强迫男的一天
回复 :Cici和Sara是一对女同恋人。 Cici 是一个男孩子气的高中女孩。 Sara是一个音乐专业的大学生。两人在一起三年了,但Sara一直不愿意将两人的关系公开。Cici十分受伤,Sara也心生愧疚,向Cici提出分手。不仅是恋人Sara,Cici的家人也将Cici“藏 起来”,不愿男孩子打扮的她出现在外人面前,甚至连祖母的葬礼都不允许Cici出席。已经跟Cici分手的Sara为了安慰Cici专程赶到Cici祖母的葬礼,却没有找到她……本片由纽约大学Tisch艺术学院电影系的陈剑莹编剧和导演,该片斩获2016年好莱坞国际电影节LGBT单元最佳短片大奖,入选第69届戛纳电影节短片角,入围东京Lift-Off电影节、圣彼得堡欧洲国际电影节短片竞赛单元。2016年5月将在LESDO平台与中国观众见面。
回复 :Night Falls in India tells the story of Ricardo (Juan Diego) and Dana (Clara Voda). Ricardo decides to travel overland to India, as he used to do in the old days, when he brought hippies to the East with his van, crossing Europe, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. But the situation is very different now. Ricardo has been in a wheelchair for the last ten years, suffering from a degenerative disease now in its final stage. He wants to die on the banks of the Ganges River and meet Gadhali again. In this journey, he is accompanied by Dana, his Rumanian housekeeper. Life owes something to these two lonely beings. The journey will become the alibi for paying it off. Night Falls in India is a shining road-movie full of life that uses journey as an excuse to tell a story about love and the passing of time, about the importance of the present and the need to recover lost time; a story in which the journey itself is as important as the arrival.