入围《富川国际奇幻电影节》继《鬼病院》后 韩国又一直播系骇人纪实恐怖片。你敢不敢来这里接受正宗的韩式「祝福」。在江原道的深山,以鬼魂闻名的废弃教堂中,电视制作人、巫师和神秘体验团想要:证明鬼的存在!发生了意想不到的转变,在这个诡异教堂里,神秘人物开始出现在那些前来经历这些离奇事件的人面前。
入围《富川国际奇幻电影节》继《鬼病院》后 韩国又一直播系骇人纪实恐怖片。你敢不敢来这里接受正宗的韩式「祝福」。在江原道的深山,以鬼魂闻名的废弃教堂中,电视制作人、巫师和神秘体验团想要:证明鬼的存在!发生了意想不到的转变,在这个诡异教堂里,神秘人物开始出现在那些前来经历这些离奇事件的人面前。
回复 :If These Walls Could Sing arrives with the 90th anniversary of famed London recording studio.Universal Music Group’s recently-launched production house Mercury Studios has announced a documentary about Abbey Road Studios. If These Walls Could Sing will explore the legendary recording studio’s history in conjunction with Abbey Road’s 90th anniversary this November. The film is produced by John Battsek and directed by filmmaker and photographer Mary McCartney, daughter of Paul and Linda.“Some of my earliest memories as a young child come from time spent at Abbey Road,” Mary McCartney said in a statement. “I’ve long wanted to tell the story of this historic place, and I couldn’t be collaborating with a better team than John and Mercury Studios to make this creative ambition a reality.”
回复 :白富美刘晨晨(林心如 饰)和男友小川(金世佳 饰)在机缘巧合下登上了气氛诡异的“天涯号”游轮,并与其他四位身份不明的中奖者一起进入到紧张刺激的夺宝游戏中。然而,意外频发却让这场诱人的夺宝游戏演变成置人于死地的疯狂杀戮。在与世隔绝的茫茫公海上,失魂落魄的几人开始相互猜忌,事情的走向也更加扑朔迷离,而死神却步步紧逼。黑暗的背后,究竟是谁在操纵一切,这对误入魔轮的甜蜜爱人,又将逃向何处?
回复 :塞德尔跟拍了一些从德国和奥地利前往纳米比亚进行狩猎旅行的游客,记录下他们从埋伏到射杀动物的全过程。