回复 :该节目是全网首档聚焦故乡人文剧情纪实节目,讲述六个“家宴、家人、家乡故事 ”。主要形式为通过一方嘉宾邀请友人来自己所生活工作的地方吃饭,体验彼此生活、畅聊所思感悟、展现故乡情节和家国情怀。第二季内容升级,形式更多,维度更广,情感更深,故事更真,用最丰富的视角最多元的手法去呈现——“我和我的家人,我和我的老友,我和我的家宴,我和我的故乡”。
回复 :【原创动画企划《BUILD DIVIDE -# 000000-》预告与视觉图公布】Aniplex TCG(集换式卡牌游戏)x 原创TV动画企划公布,并发布了预告PV与视觉图,本作前半部分将随TCG商品一同于2021年10月开播,后半部分将在2022年4月开播。
回复 :According to Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian, the Renaissance was centred on a revival of interest in classical art that began and flourished in Italy. Waldemar disagrees, and accuses Vasari of errant jingoism. In fact, the most significant early developments in Renaissance art took place not in Italy, but in the ‘barbarian’ lands of Flanders and Germany. Instead of understanding the Renaissance as a return to classical models, we should see it as a climax of medieval values - an epoch of huge religious passions and powerful human emotions.The series will celebrate material that is new to television. Waldemar will include art that is not usually thought of as Renaissance art. This will involve 're-classifying' what is sometimes called Late Gothic, and showing it off as a marvellous and native artistic tradition, particularly in the remarkable field of polychrome sculpture. On top of all the new art to be introduced, Waldemar will also look from fresh and intriguing angles at many of the established Renaissance giants, including Michelangelo in the Vatican, Leonardo in the Louvre, Botticelli in the Uffizi and Van Eyck in Ghent.