电台The story of one of the most celebrated and sought-after movie composers, as told by the man himself and his closest collaborators.
电台The story of one of the most celebrated and sought-after movie composers, as told by the man himself and his closest collaborators.
回复 :Spiraling out after a bad breakup, Wes ends up at a remote rest stop miles away from civilization. His situation worsens after he finds himself locked inside the bathroom with a mysterious figure speaking to him from an adjacent stall. As Wes tries to escape, he realizes he is an unwilling player in a situation bigger and more terrible than he could possibly imagine.
回复 :1995年2月,现代舞演员金星在经过多年准备后,终于在北京接受了变性手术。在即将变成女人的前夜,他接受采访,谈了他的决心、愿望、以及美好的生活理想。手术的过程曲折而痛苦。手术后,父亲去派出所更改了金星身份证上的性别,从此,金星小姐诞生了。2000年3月,金星再一次接受了采访,谈到她手术后五年来的许多男朋友,她的幸福生活以及她特殊的遭遇和奇遇。影片让观众看到了一个生活在自己梦里金星小姐。
回复 :春休假期,东京某小学的学生在小田桐理香老师(西田尚美 饰)的带领下来到一座寺院宿营。男孩女孩们欢声笑语,吵闹不断;寺院住持(米仓齐加年 饰)慈祥可亲,平易近人。宿营的最后一日4月4日,作为宿营的保留节目,夜晚的试胆游戏自然必不可少。孩子们用心准备,而寺院小偷浅野和成(野村宏伸 饰)则趁乱盗走这里的镇山之宝。一名学生进入附近的小学,意外中止了钟楼的齿轮。黑暗瞬间笼罩这座小山,忙打乱撞进入校舍的真弥(细山田隆人 饰)、阿司(阿部大和 饰)等人以及小偷将遭遇人面犬、花子等传说中的恶灵。百鬼夜行,恐怖之夜拉开序幕……本片根据常光彻的同名小说改编。