产高A preacher is accused of adultery and he and his followers are chased out of town and become stranded in an isolated forest which is haunted by the spirits of long dead Native Americans.
产高A preacher is accused of adultery and he and his followers are chased out of town and become stranded in an isolated forest which is haunted by the spirits of long dead Native Americans.
回复 :'Scandalous' is the sensational true story of The National Enquirer, the infamous tabloid with a prescient grasp of its readers' darkest curiosities.
回复 :为了争夺能量之源“金色雪莲”,陨石军团突袭了幸福之城,把这片美丽家园变成了寸草不生的戈壁荒滩。守护小精灵——克拉和玛依,意外发现了被陨石军团劫走的幸福之城小主人宝石光,只有帮助他找到父母和金色雪莲,才能重建家园……
回复 :《三傻大闹宝莱坞》《我的个神啊》卖座导演拉吉库马尔·希拉尼,携手《巴菲的奇妙命运》兰比尔·卡普尔,把印度传奇演员桑杰·达特不平凡的演艺生涯搬上大银幕。他是宝莱坞最耀眼的明星,也坠落至最阴暗的人生低谷;他主演无数经典收获影迷赞誉,也曾沉迷毒海无法自拔,甚至因与地下黑帮与恐怖主义的关联而锒铛入狱。片名 “Sanju” 来源于桑杰·达特的母亲为他取的小名。