回复 :When the film begins, it is all over. “We know it’s terminal, and that’s all”, says Juliane of her mother Kerstin, who is in great pain and about to die aged just 64. Although the young doctor she consults acknowledges on a personal level that everyone has the right to manage their own death, he nonetheless reminds her that euthanasia is still illegal in Germany. This is even more the case at the Catholic hospice where Kerstin is staying. As relatives come to say goodbye to her mother and the emotions of memories mingle with the anticipation of grief, Juliane finds herself having to do battle with time – unbending, apathetic and monochrome – and this is superbly reflected in the convulsions of the handheld camera in wide shots.Based on personal experience, Jessica Krummacher’s second feature film vividly relates the painful story of losing a parent. There is no violence or morbidity, rather the director describes the most important of events via the smallest, most fragile of details – the exchanging of words, texts and tender gestures that remain with us and get under our skin.
回复 :本片改编自洛夫克拉夫特的短篇《不可名状》("The Unnamable")。19世纪初一位妇女生下了一个怪物,人们都觉得他太丑陋,没有什么名字能形容他,于是都称之为“不可名状之物”。后来怪物残忍地杀害了他的家人,自己则被困在了墓地里。时间流逝到了1988年,几个大学生听说了不可 名状之物的故事,继而想去墓地一探究竟……
回复 :长久以来,宫本明(石黑英雄 饰)都生活在哥哥笃(渡边大 饰)的阴影之中,笃不仅长相英俊而且品学兼优,和深得家人喜爱的笃相比,整日无所事事不学无术的明简直就像是跳梁小丑。然而,就在某一天,完美的笃突然失踪从此了无音信,这场意外并没有将明从压力中解放出来,反而令他坠入了更深的黑暗之中。一次偶然中,一位名叫青山冷(水川麻美 饰)的神秘美女找到了明,她不仅持有笃的驾照,更告诉明,她知道笃的下落。就这样,在青山冷的指引下,明和自己的一帮朋友们踏上了彼岸岛的土地之上,让他们没有想到的是,等待着他们的,竟然是可怕的吸血鬼,以及无穷无尽的死亡与痛苦。