白皙A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model for a pair of beauticians who like to photograph women committing crimes.
白皙A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model for a pair of beauticians who like to photograph women committing crimes.
回复 :传说中白鹿庇佑的白鹿原上,世代居住着同根家族白、鹿两姓子孙。时代变迁,清朝覆灭,民国建立。现任族长白嘉轩(张丰毅 饰)之子白孝文(成泰燊 饰)、乡约鹿子霖(吴刚 饰)之子鹿兆鹏(郭涛 饰)与白家长工鹿三之子黑娃(段奕宏 饰)情同手足,成年后各赴前程。黑娃与渭北郭举人家的小女人田小娥(张雨绮 饰)私通败露,田小娥亦被族长拒于祠堂之外,两人遂迁至慢坡窑洞内度日。加入共产党的鹿兆鹏从城里带回革命浪潮,黑娃成为中坚力量,国共分裂后兄弟俩被迫逃亡。鹿子霖乘机霸占独自留守的田小娥,并设计利用她陷害下任族长白孝文,引发族内轩然大波……风云变幻的时局下,素有“仁义”之名的白鹿村内纷争不断,古老的土地面临着翻天覆地的变化。本片改编自陈忠实先生第四届茅盾文学奖作品《白鹿原》。原著时间跨度长达半个世纪,影片截取其中1912年到1938年间的动荡变迁,原生态的秦腔演绎与苍茫的麦田取景令人沉醉。
回复 :January 2019. Filmmaker Karim Aïnouz decides to take a boat, cross the Mediterranean and embark on his first journey to Algeria. Accompanied by the memory of his mother, Iracema, and his camera, Aïnouz gives us a detailed account of the journey to his father's homeland; from the sea crossing to his arrival in the Atlas Mountains in Kabylia - a mountainous region in northern Algeria - to his return. Interweaving present, past and future.
回复 :国际律师杜丘(张涵予 饰)清晨醒来,发现一个陌生女子被杀死在枕边,当所有证据皆指向自己就是凶手时,他拒捕逃离,决定自己查出真相。颇有名气的警探矢村(福山雅治 饰)在追捕过程中,察觉案件并不简单。一警一“匪”在交手中竟发展出了一段惺惺相惜的情谊,探明真相的过程中,他们卷入了更大的阴谋,而屡次帮杜丘逃亡的神秘女子真由美(戚薇 饰)也另有隐情……