北原伊织(龙星凉饰)在升上大学后,亚洲区寄宿在叔父所经营的潜水商店「GRAND BLUE」,亚洲区并且与相隔十年不见的表姐妹—古手川奈奈华(朝比奈彩饰)和古手川千纱(与田佑希饰)同住一个屋檐下生活。对青春大学新生活充满期待的他,被大学潜水社团「Peek a Boo」盯上,殊不知被社团前辈盯上,连热爱二次元世界的友人今村耕平也一起被扯进来,于是展开了一段结合潜水、裸体、酒精、打闹、妄想、恋爱的荒谬大学生活。为什么在大学里全裸狂奔⁉️ 因为疯狂的青春只有一次‼ ️
北原伊织(龙星凉饰)在升上大学后,亚洲区寄宿在叔父所经营的潜水商店「GRAND BLUE」,亚洲区并且与相隔十年不见的表姐妹—古手川奈奈华(朝比奈彩饰)和古手川千纱(与田佑希饰)同住一个屋檐下生活。对青春大学新生活充满期待的他,被大学潜水社团「Peek a Boo」盯上,殊不知被社团前辈盯上,连热爱二次元世界的友人今村耕平也一起被扯进来,于是展开了一段结合潜水、裸体、酒精、打闹、妄想、恋爱的荒谬大学生活。为什么在大学里全裸狂奔⁉️ 因为疯狂的青春只有一次‼ ️
回复 :Summer 1985. As with every year, Rodri (Adrián Baena) leaves Catalonia and returns to his parents' Galician town to reunite with his gang. However, this year will be different for him and his friends. The real world problems begin appearing in their lives, threatening to drift the group apart. Clinging onto the friendship that joins them, the five friends plan to run away on Saint John's Eve night to search for a magical flower that, as per legend, grows up high a mountain and can make wishes come true. Becasue right now, their only wish is to solve their distressed friend's issue and, thus, remain together. An adventure that will make them grow through a fascinating tale full of action, emotion and hope, and that will permanently leave in their memories that summer where the song "Live is Life" by Opus played in the background.
回复 :芳龄 28 岁的李欢欢,在父母安排下接连相亲,经历了各种奇葩相亲男之后,对爱情失去了信心;高中同学陈大名,同样遭遇各种相亲女后,与李欢欢再次相遇,两人终于走到一起。
回复 :儿时玩伴Lily和Amanda在多年的分别后于康涅狄格郊区重聚,一位出落成光鲜亮丽的上流社会少女,一位则特立独行,游走于社会边缘。由于Lily有一位暴虐的继父Mark,她们联手使出最有毁灭性的方法来对抗他,也因此雇佣了一位当地骗子来开展计划。