回复 :公孙逸作为一位五品大员,调任苏州刺史后不久即遭暗杀,引起了朝廷的高度重视。朝廷派出了得力助手谢瑶环(陈德容 饰)前往调查此案,尽管她是一位女子,但在朝廷中却是备受信赖的。娇娥(叶青青 饰)原本是一名风尘女子,被公孙逸赎出娼门,并安置在城郊。然而,公孙逸和他的同窗好友丁俊臣都对娇娥产生了情感上的纠葛。随着公孙夫人和娇娥相继遇害,案情变得更加复杂,朝廷也对破案提出了紧迫的期限。在谢瑶环的助手鸣凤和宋义的帮助下,她逐渐理清了案情的大体轮廓,并采取了欲擒故纵、引蛇出洞的策略,最终让隐藏在案情背后的真凶丁俊臣浮出了水面。这个故事既展现了政治权力的暗流涌动,也揭示了人性的复杂和情感的扭曲,同时突出了女性角色在政治斗争中的智慧和勇气。
回复 :《钧瓷蛤蟆砚》缘自农村一个有志青年一心想搞成自己的发明“土”飞机,实现自己“科技兴农”的远大理想,但由于家庭贫困,不仅没有科研经费,而且自己的婚姻也受到女方家庭的强烈反对。不经意中,他得到了一个无价之宝——北宋皇帝御用的钧瓷蛤蟆砚。围绕这个钧瓷蛤蟆砚发生了一个个诙谐、幽默、寓教于乐的故事。
回复 :The dream of sending humans to Mars is closer than ever before. In fact, many scientists think that the first person to set foot on the Red Planet is alive today. But where should the first explorers visit when they get there?Horizon has gathered the world's leading experts on Mars and asked them: where would they go, if they got the chance - and what would they need to survive?Using incredible real images and data, Horizon brings these Martian landmarks to life, from vast plains to towering volcanoes and from deep valleys to hidden underground caverns. The programme will also show viewers where to land, where to live… and even where to hunt for traces of extra-terrestrial life.This is the ultimate traveller's guide to Mars.